Landat provides a single source of property information
throughout your organization.
Efficient land management is one of the most complex tasks facing any organization that operates from an extensive land base.
Environmental concerns, operational considerations, potential land use, market conditions, legislative and regulatory constraints and property tax implications are constantly evolving to create a dynamic and demanding environment for land management professionals.
Landat's integrated approach provides significant cost savings, increased efficiency and higher accuracy in all land-related activities.
Elimination of
Redundant Data
Eliminating the multiple spreadsheets and desktop databases that typically contain land data in many organizations results in reduced data maintenance costs, higher accuracy and increased confidence in the database.
Access to accurate, current and comprehensive information for a property is critical to sound decision-making. There's no need to know in advance what information might exist and where it is located ... it's all there with the click of a mouse.
Reduced Training
and Support Costs
Landat provides a simple and consistent interface across the database, making it easier for casual users to navigate the system, and more intuitive for users who need to access infrequently used information.
Retain Experience-Based
Landat's extensive data model and document management capabilities allow much of the anecdotal information that defies capture in most applications to be maintained and queried, reducing the impact of staff changes and further enhancing the decision-making process.
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